Anti-Bribery Policy
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose: Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd is committed to conducting its business activities with integrity, transparency, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This Anti-Bribery Policy aims to outline the principles and guidelines that all employees, contractors, and representatives of the organization must adhere to in order to prevent bribery and corruption.
1.2. Scope: This policy applies to all individuals associated with Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd including but not limited to employees, directors, officers, agents, contractors, and consultants (collectively referred to as “Personnel”).
1.3. Definitions:
• “Bribery” refers to the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any bribe, kickback, improper payment, or anything of value to improperly influence a person’s actions or decisions.
• “Facilitation Payment” refers to a small payment made to expedite or secure the performance of a routine governmental action by a person in a foreign country.
• “Third Party” refers to any individual or organization that is not an employee or directly affiliated with Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd.
2. Policy Statement
2.1. Prohibition of Bribery: Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd strictly prohibits bribery in any form, including but not limited to bribing public officials, private individuals, or entities for personal or organisational gain. Personnel are prohibited from offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting bribes, kickbacks, or improper payments.
2.2. Compliance with Laws: Personnel must comply with all applicable anti-bribery laws, including the laws of the countries in which Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd operates.
2.3. Gifts, Hospitality, and Expenses: Gifts, hospitality, and expenses offered or received must be reasonable, proportionate, and in compliance with applicable laws. Personnel must not provide or accept gifts or hospitality with the intention of influencing business decisions or gaining improper advantage.
2.4. Facilitation Payments: Facilitation payments are strictly prohibited, except in situations where they are permitted under local laws. However, Personnel should avoid making facilitation payments whenever possible, and seek guidance from the appropriate authority within Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd before making such payments.
2.5. Due Diligence on Third Parties: Before engaging with third parties, including agents, consultants, suppliers, and partners, Personnel must conduct appropriate due diligence to ensure that they have a commitment to anti-bribery practices and comply with relevant laws.
2.6. Reporting and Non-Retaliation: Personnel are encouraged to report any suspected or actual violations of this policy promptly. Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd will not tolerate retaliation against any individual who reports concerns or participates in good faith in an investigation of alleged violations.
2.7. Training and Communication: Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd will provide regular training and awareness programs to ensure that all Personnel are familiar with this policy, understand their responsibilities, and are aware of the risks and consequences associated with bribery.
2.8. Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement: Morgan Parkes Recruitment Ltd will monitor compliance with this policy, investigate alleged violations, and take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals found to have breached this policy. Violations may result in disciplinary action.